Potency nuts in men: walnuts, nutmeg, and others

Decreased potency can be normalized by consuming certain healthy foods that help improve the functioning of the genital area. It should be noted that diet greatly affects men's health. With a lack of vitamins and minerals, apathy, hormonal imbalance and decreased libido can be observed. To get rid of these problems, it is necessary to adjust the diet.

healthy nuts for male potency

Almost every man has heard of the nut's healing properties. Today we will describe which nuts increase potency and how they affect male strength.

How nuts affect potency

It seems that this product is so special. But the nut contains a lot of vitamins and microelements that are involved in hematopoiesis, improve metabolic processes and nourish cells with vegetable protein. They also contain essential oils, fiber, lots of vitamins and minerals.

There are different types of nuts.

Each type has its own composition, but it should immediately be noted that any type of nuts a priori has a positive effect on the sexual function of men.

Walnuts for potency

This product is not only on everyone's lips. It is walnuts that are most commonly used for potency. First, because it's the cheapest type of nut. You can buy it anytime, anywhere.

Walnut for male potency

Second, it is really considered the king of nuts as it has the most vitamins and minerals in it, namely:

  • Zinc (a valuable element for male potency);
  • Potassium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Vitamins A, C, E, K;
  • Calcium;
  • Manganese;
  • Cellulose;
  • Arginine;
  • Vegetable protein;
  • Essential oils.

With such a set of elements, it has such an effect on the male genital area and the body as a whole for a reason.

Walnuts contain sufficient zinc. This element contributes to the formation of testosterone (the sex hormone responsible for male libido). For potency in men, honey is also used in combination with nuts. It's tasty and healthy at the same time.


Many associate this type of nut with a beer snack. But few people realize that pistachios affect male strength as well. They contain unsaturated fats, arginine, which improves blood circulation and, by the way, is a rejuvenating component, zinc, thanks to which male function works properly, folic acid.

Pistachios to increase potency

Thanks to pistachios, not only potency is normalized. Folic acid improves sperm quality. This in turn increases the chances of conceiving a healthy child.

Nutmeg for potency

This type of product is considered an aphrodisiac. Most often, nutmeg is used in cooking and is rarely used to increase libido. And in vain. In fact, it is considered to be one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs. Nutmeg has become "passionate" thanks to trace elements such as safrole, myristicin and elimicin. It is these components that have intoxicating and stimulating effects.

Nutmeg to increase potency

You can't and you can't eat so many different nuts in large quantities. Just a small piece is enough to positively influence the potency. However, for a visible effect, you should consume this nut daily for a month. Why Nutmeg?

  • It contains vitamins C, E;
  • As well as magnesium, zinc, calcium;
  • It strengthens immunity;
  • Has a positive effect on hematopoiesis;
  • Improves blood circulation.


This nut is not for everyone because of its specific taste. But this does not affect its properties, which qualitatively affect the effectiveness. It should be said right away that this type of nut is suitable for men who have compromised the blood supply in the pelvis. Thanks to the chlorine and sulfur contained in the composition, the circulatory system is cleaned, plaques are removed and blood circulation is improved. In addition, arginine dilates the blood vessels, which causes the genital organ to become aroused as quickly as possible. Almonds are not only in demand because of their specific taste. This product is quite expensive and not everyone can afford to eat 150 to 200 grams of this medicinal nut per day.

Almonds for male potency

Pine nuts

They are very useful to the body, but they are not that easy to find. If you can buy pine nuts in almost every supermarket in big cities, you won't find them on the outskirts. Nevertheless, if there is an opportunity to buy these nuts, it is worth doing, since the composition includes:

  • Zinc;
  • carbohydrates
  • Proteins;
  • Vitamins E and B;
  • Fatty acid.
Pine nuts to increase potency

Such a composition not only accelerates blood flow to the genitals. Pine nuts act in a complex. With constant consumption, a protective function of the body (immunity) is developed, the risk of oncology is reduced. They also have a positive effect on the functioning of the prostate.


This delicacy is also expensive. At the same time, almost every nut lover likes it. Hazelnuts are a storehouse of vitamins A, E, B. However, the main difference between the product is that it contains a large amount of protein, fiber and phytosterol. The latter has a direct impact on effectiveness. Phytosterol prevents prostatitis, adenoma, normalizes the reproductive system (improves sperm quality, produces testosterone). Just 150 grams of this product is enough to keep men healthy.


Any type of nut is ideal for male potency. Since such a delicacy is pleasant to eat fresh, no special preparation is required. It is advisable to eat a nut with honey, as this bee product also has a qualitative effect on potency and even prevents prostatitis.